Welcome to Dive Party :)

I’m so glad you found us. Dive Party is a recently-launched culmination of years of experimentation and consideration, and we would love to have you along for the ride 🚀 I hope you find this website, in its infancy, helpful in understanding what we are creating.

To be clear, we are not a typical diving operation, and the references to diving are a metaphor for an experience of the mind. There’s no need to suit up at the beginning or dry off at the end, at least not physically 🤿

The central mechanism of Dive Party is the Dive, which is a one-on-one exploration between diver and guide. As you will see below, it can take many forms from private sessions to group experiences and auditorium stages.

The Dive is a collaborative vehicle for exploring any subject of interest to the diver through a lens of infinite possibilities and limitless potential.

:: open environment ::

Dive Party is meant to be welcoming, open, and inclusive for the benefit of each and all. While we share a physical world, the mental world of every human is unique. Varied experiences, perspectives, and interests set the stage for next-level exploration.

Agency is central to the Dive experience. As such, every Dive is completely voluntary. In a group format, those observing the Dive are invited to explore their own mental landscapes and areas of interest as the Dive unfolds. Everything is optional, and the door is available for exit and re-entry at all times.

:: flexible format ::

By contrast to typical conversations, a Dive is intentionally one-sided. The diver sets the course in any direction of their choosing, and the dive guide supports their exploration. The diver chooses the depth as we explore a pool of possibilities, looking for opportunities to release tethers and embrace “what-if” opportunities along the way.

In some cases, a Dive features one diver, such as in a private session or an interview (we like to say “intra-view”). In other cases, with audience participation, the Dive follows a rotating one-on-one format with multiple divers. The guide may open the conversation “bubble” to the audience at times and pull it back to the diver at other times.

See below for a brief listing of suggested Dive formats, and contact us if you have any interest in experiencing a Dive for yourself. It’s also super easy to get invited to Dive Party events using the short form below!

Onward and Upward,
Mitch 🤩


A fresh approach to a classic institution: the conversation

Dive Parties can take a variety of forms with a wide array of audiences, including the following:

private sessions

Shift your mind into the next gear, fueled by your heart-level desires, in a collaborative exploration of what’s possible. Private sessions can take place in-person, by Zoom, and anywhere in the world (and beyond) ✨

team workshops

Step into new levels of motivation. Beyond the dollar, what drives your individual vehicles forward, and how can you build a successful relay? This is about people wanting to feel good about how they contribute 🫶

social gatherings

Invite curious spirits into your home or a setting of your choosing. Inject new energy into the mix, and take entertaining to the next level (please note: surprise Dive Parties are not recommended) 🎉

town hall keynotes

Drop the debate and focus on the people: passions, insights, ideas. Provide a human window into all levels of an organization, and open a space where everyone in the room can find their way and their voice 💥

travel retreats

Get outside of the ordinary, and dive into the (yep) extraordinary. We can handle programming or mix into whatever you have planned. Book a campsite, charter a yacht, buy out a hostel, rent a private island 🏝️

product launches

Go beyond the product, and why the people who created it care about it. Bring the perspective of the designer…the experience of the customer…the excitement of the creative director…into the room 🎨


I’m interested in bringing Dive Party into my world!